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Aura Cleansing Spray – DIY Sage Spray for Spiritual Cleansing + Protection

Learn how to make aura cleansing spray for negative energy and spiritual protection. This sage spray recipe is a smokeless, more respectful alternative to smudging white sage or Palo Santo.

DIY aura cleansing spray

How’s your energy? Perhaps you’re feeling low, sluggish, stressed or heavy-hearted. Maybe you’re dealing with a stressful personal situation, or feeling especially tuned into the collective energy at this time.

Whatever you’re experiencing, if you’ve landed on this page, you likely recognize the importance of energetic well-being. Even more so if you’re an empath or someone highly sensitive to energy.

You can’t control the outer world. But you can protect your own aura – and that’s where creating your own energy cleansing ritual can be extremely powerful.

This sage-infused DIY aura cleansing spray is a smokeless way to help cleanse or rebalance your own energy, your space, or your preferred spiritual tools such as crystals or Tarot cards.

It’s easy to make, harnessing the power of essential oils, herbs, and your focussed intention to help clear negative energy and provide energetic protection.

And even if you’re not into the woo-woo, it also makes a lovely sage room spray.

In this post, I will cover:

  • Benefits of a spiritual cleansing ritual
  • When and how to use an aura spray
  • Why empaths need spiritual protection
  • Why this isn’t a smudge spray + respectful alternatives
  • How to make sage spray several ways, including a recipe with sun water

Who this aura cleansing spray is for

If you don’t believe in anything beyond the physical world, or don’t believe we are energetic beings, this post likely won’t resonate for you – and that’s okay.

But if you’ve found yourself here, or were curious enough to look at an aura cleanse spray, you’re likely at least a little bit inclined to the spiritual or mystical side of life.

I love what psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera has to say about spirituality:

“Our human perception is extremely limited. When you’re open to the mystical, you’re more at peace with the reality that many things are beyond science or human comprehension.”

And to quote physicist Nasim Haramein, “spirituality is nothing more than physics we’ve yet to find the equation for.”

Aura cleanse spray

To be clear, I don’t believe auric cleansing is a substitute for inner work, professional help and healing, or whole-heartedly committing to spiritual growth.

It’s also not intended as a tool for spiritual bypassing or toxic positivity. Often, esoteric concepts are reduced to a trend or spiritual bandwagon rather than a lifestyle or true commitment.

But I think it’s safe to say that cultivating energetic well-being starts with owning your power. That’s why I made this aura spray – as a tool for spiritual self-care.

What is an aura cleansing spray?

Many cultures have historically burned sacred herbs as a ritual for spiritual cleansing and purification. Smoke cleansing is said to metaphorically cleanse and purify the mind, body and spirit.

But rather than burning herbs, an aura cleansing spray focusses the power of sacred herbs (such as sage) and your healing intention into a smokeless spray format.

Other names include a spiritual cleansing spray, protection spray, or smokeless smudge spray.

But no matter what you call it, the intention is the same – to help banish negative energy from your home, your energetic field, or whatever objects you wish to energetically cleanse.

Aura cleansing spray

What is an aura?

If you’re sensitive, empathic, or on a spiritual path, you already understand the importance of cleansing and protecting your energy, or aura.

The definition of what an aura truly is, and what it means to cleanse it, varies across different spiritual and esoteric belief systems. But in the simplest terms, an aura is said to be the energy body or energetic field surrounding each living being.

An aura can also refer to the general vibration or energy of a place or space, such as your home or a room within it. And since objects accumulate energy too, an aura can can also refer to the vibration attached to objects.

What is aura cleansing?

Aura cleansing is the concept of spiritually cleansing your energy body or energetic field.

There are many ways to cleanse your aura and tend to your energetic field, including chakra cleansing, meditation, and energy healing modalities such as Reiki. And of course, using an aura spray.

Usually, the purpose of aura cleansing is to clear it of unwanted or “negative” energy, which typically means energy that doesn’t serve your highest good. Or, energy that is not yours to begin with.

Aura spray for cleansing with crystals, sage, and Tarot cards

What is negative energy?

Negative energy may be psychic debris you’ve picked up inadvertently from the outside world, or it can even be sent to you by others in the form of a psychic attack.

Often these attacks will be unconscious, as many don’t understand the power of their own energy. However, these attacks may also be intentional.

Negative energy may come in the form of passive aggressive comments, ridiculing someone for having a different opinion on a topic, malicious gossip, a smear campaign, or outright vindictiveness meant to cause emotional or financial harm.

That said, it’s important to tread carefully when it comes to labelling “negative” energy or “bad vibes”. Many spiritual terms are often hijacked or used as a reason to excuse toxic behaviour (“good vibes only” and “love and light” come to mind).

Negative energy is not someone sharing their experience or feelings with you after your actions hurt them. Similarly, protecting your energy or your “boundaries” should not be used as an excuse to escape accountability or to make false allegations against others.

Why empaths need spiritual protection

It’s important for empaths and highly sensitive people to protect their aura, and a protection spray can help with your spiritual-self care.

“Empath” is another term that’s often hijacked or used improperly. But if you’re a true empath, you are much more susceptible to others’ energy. The same goes for highly sensitive, intuitive, or compassionate people.

But, the dark side is that you’re also far more susceptible to negative energy projected onto you.

You may also take on these projections and blame yourself, even if you’ve done nothing wrong – and even if you are the one who was victimized in a situation. If this sounds like you, you could likely benefit from aura cleansing.

Spiritual spray for protection and aura cleansing

To be clear, this is a very simplified view of things. Empaths may also be codependents, so it may be a good idea to explore this topic in depth with a professional – even more so if the person you are dealing with has narcissistic traits.

Negative energy and narcissistic people

If you’re highly empathic or a people-pleaser, you’ve likely had crazy-making, energy-draining experiences with narcissistic people.

It’s important to protect your energy in these relationships, even after they’ve ended. Because one of the hallmarks of narcissistic people is the smear campaign, which is an extreme form of negative energy directed at you.

In these situations, using an aura spray can serve as a tool to help shield yourself from these persistent psychic attacks.

Aura spray

It can be shocking when someone you thought was family, a friend, or partner has engaged in a calculated smear campaign against you and truncated the story to mislead others.

Healthy people are connected to a higher power and have compassion for others. Their goal is community, working together, empathy and personal growth.

On the other hand, toxic people will convince themselves you are deserving of their negative energy and vindictiveness. They often believe their faulty perceptions of situations because they misinterpret, misunderstand, overreact, and take things personally. Their goal is to control how others see you and win at all costs.

Often it’s difficult, but try to have compassion for the people who attack you in this way, as they’re lacking in personal and spiritual growth, and eventually their actions will come back to haunt them.

But it should be noted that a smear campaign isn’t the same as going no contact with an abusive person who was given many chances to change.

Why use a sage spray for aura cleansing?

Using a sage spray is a more convenient and portable alternative to burning sage or other herbs for energy cleansing, especially if you’re travelling or somewhere where smoke is not allowed.

It may also be healthier, as burning anything, even sage, produces particulate matter that can be harmful to our health.

Especially if you have bad allergies, are sensitive to smoke, or have any medical conditions such as migraines or asthma, smokeless energetic clearing methods may be more suitable.

But most importantly, making your own DIY sage spray is a more respectful alternative to using sacred Indigenous smudging herbs for aura cleansing.

Sage spray for cleansing and smudging

Is a sage spray the same as a smudge spray?

Anyone can perform a cleansing ritual, but it’s important to be respectful of sacred practices.

Burning garden-variety sage is one thing, but smudging is a deeply sacred Indigenous practice performed with herbs such as white sage, sweetgrass, and Palo Santo.

Unfortunately, these sacred herbs have been hijacked, commercialized and overharvested outside of Indigenous ceremonial uses, to the point where they’re now endangered.

Sage smudge spray without Palo Santo or white sage

This sage spray recipe can be used for smokeless energy cleansing, but it’s not a smudge spray. It also does not contain Palo Santo or white sage essential oils.

I used Spanish sage essential oil in this cleansing spray instead, which is sourced from a small, ethical farm in Spain. More on the best essential oils for spiritual practice later on.

How to use spiritual cleansing spray

There are many situations where you may find it beneficial to use an aura spray as part of an energy cleansing ritual.

1. To cleanse your home.

The most popular use for a sage spray is to help clear negative energy from your home.

Whether you’ve just moved into a new home or are performing a spring cleaning ritual, you can use a room cleansing spray as a smokeless alternative to burning sage.

Spritz throughout each room you’d like to spiritually cleanse. Or, if you enjoy the scent, simply use it as a sage room spray.

2. Before spiritual practice.

A beautiful, calming fragrance is just one element of creating a sacred space and sanctuary for your spiritual practice.

Using a cleansing spray is a way to ground yourself and cleanse your energy before meditation, prayer, or ritual.

Plus, the scent of essential oils such as sage, ho wood and bay leaf have calming aromatherapeutic properties that help relax and guide your mind into a meditative state.

Spiritual cleansing spray with crystals and Tarot cards

3. Before Tarot or divination.

Whether you read Tarot or use another form of divination, a spiritual cleansing ritual helps set the mood and clear the space before readings. You can use a DIY sage spray as a way to cleanse Tarot cards without smoke.

Of course, don’t spritz the cards directly, which may ruin them – use a light mist around the deck and general reading area to clear stagnant energy. You could also pair this method with a selenite wand.

Cleansing Tarot cards with aura spray. Woman Tarot reading with crystals and sage.
Cleanse Tarot cards and your reading space with an aura spray.

3. For negative energy protection.

If you’ve ever found yourself the target of a smear campaign or another form of psychic attack, you’ll understand how disorienting it can be.

In situations like these, cleansing rituals such as cord cutting can be powerful tools to take back your power. Examples include cord cutting, using protection crystals, or using an aura cleansing spray.

To use, spray liberally and walk through the mist, making sure to close your eyes. As you walk through, visualize the mist purifying and cleansing your energetic field, creating a shield of protection against further attack.

4. For cleansing rituals.

If you like to work with rituals, you can incorporate an aura cleanse spray to clear out the old and make space for the new.

Examples include rites of passage such as birthdays, or any other events that delineate endings or new beginnings, such as a new year or equinox.

And if you’ve experienced a painful ending on a more personal level, such as a breakup, a cleansing ritual may also aid your healing process.

5. Before Reiki or healing work.

Whether your perform Reiki, energy healing, or massage, you can use an energy cleansing spray to cleanse yourself and your space between clients. As well, the scent helps create a calming atmosphere for your workspace.

6. Before yoga or physical activity.

If you practice yoga, you might enjoy incorporating a DIY aura cleansing spray to help improve your focus or aid in relaxation.

Even if you don’t believe in any esoteric properties, the essential oils’ aromatherapeutic benefits can help calm and clear your mind.

7. To cleanse crystals.

You can also use your energy cleansing spray for crystals. This is a smokeless way to help clear accumulated energy before programming them.

You can spritz your crystals directly, or spray into the air and wave them through the mist. However, please be sure your crystals are water safe first.

Sage spray with crystals for aura cleansing

8. To cleanse belongings.

Aside from spiritual tools, you can aura cleanse any other objects that may need a vibrational reset.

This includes clothing or any belongings that carry memories or energetic imprints you’d prefer to release.

And if you thrift, you may want to consider cleansing your finds of the previous owner’s energy. The same goes for any other new object that you bring into your home.

9. Before journaling.

A sage spray can be a valuable tool to use before any activity that requires you to be a clear channel for intuition, such as reading Tarot.

But the same goes for any other activities that may be used to tap into your subconscious, including journaling or free writing.

10. Before sleep.

A sage spray with essential oils is a wonderful tool to incorporate into a relaxing bedtime routine. The scent of sage essential oil is incredibly calming and can help set the mood for restful sleep.

If you are using this cleansing spray for spiritual reasons, it can also help protect and cleanse your energy field before sleep.

For more ways to relax before bed, see my DIY pillow spray and calming lavender shower steamers.

Aura cleanse spray ingredients

To make this energy cleansing spray recipe, you will need:

  • Liquid base. Options include sun water, distilled water, vodka, Everclear, or a herbal water such as sage hydrosol. More on this below.
  • Cleansing essential oil blend. Certain oils such as sage, bay leaf, and ho wood (among many others) are said to possess powerful spiritual and cleansing properties. More choices below.
  • Natural essential oil solubilizer. A solubilizer ensures your oils are actually distributed throughout your cleansing spray. If not, they’ll just float on top.
  • Natural preservative. Unless you make your aura spray with a base of vodka, it’s important to protect it against mold and harmful bacteria.
  • Your intentions. If you feel called to, you can program your cleansing spray with your intentions, either by meditation, with crystals, or a ritual such as making sun water under full sunlight. After all, when it comes to water, the power of intention has been documented!

    Some key words I like to use to set intentions are: purification, cleansing, clearing, protection, healing, balance, harmony, releasing what no longer serves, and surrendering energy attachments or psychic cords with kindness.
Cleansing spray – with Tarot cards, sage, and crystals

Aura spray liquid base

It’s important to use distilled water when formulating any kind of essential oil spray, such as this aura spray or a DIY room spray.

Tap water, filtered water or bottled water inevitably contain bacteria, minerals and other contaminants that will affect your final product.

If desired, you can also use sage water for your cleansing spray base. Vodka or high-proof grain alcohol such as Everclear are also good options, as their high alcohol content discourages bacterial growth. I use Everclear and sun water for my own aura cleansing spray.

Essential oil solubilizer

Essential oils and water don’t mix. Without a solubilizer to disperse the essential oils in your energy clearing spray, the oils simply float on top, where they won’t be picked up by your spray nozzle.

Capryl/caprylyl glucoside is a great solubilizer for essential oils. It’s inexpensive, naturally derived, and easily accessible. It’s also very easy to use.

If you don’t want to buy another ingredient, you can also use 151 proof Everclear as your sage spray base – it contains enough alcohol to solubilize essential oils without any additional ingredients.

Natural preservative

If you’re going to spend the time to lovingly craft an aura cleansing spray for yourself or someone you care about, the last thing you want is for it to go off or develop a colony of harmful bacteria.

Preservatives get a bad rap. But there are plenty of non-toxic, natural options such as Geogard ECT. You don’t need much, and it’s a small price to pay for insurance.

To ensure whether your sage spray needs a preservative, calculate its alcohol percentage. 40% alcohol is enough to stop bacterial growth.

So if you use vodka as your base, you can safely skip the preservative. The same goes for using half distilled water and half 191 proof Everclear (45% alcohol).

If you use only distilled water or sun water as your base, please do not skip the natural preservative.

Essential oils for cleansing negative energy

There are many alternatives to white sage and Palo Santo for cleansing. Essential oils that are said to possess spiritual properties include:

  • Sage. Sage is a classic choice for negative energy clearing. But rather than burning the herb, you can utilize sage essential oil in a spray for spiritual cleansing.
  • Bay (Laurel Leaf). Bay leaves are said to banish negative energy and provide psychic protection. Like sage, they are often burned in cleansing rituals to purify a space.
  • Ho Wood. Distilled from the camphor tree, ho wood essential oil is deeply calming and often associated with meditation and spiritual healing. Camphor trees are sacred in China, Japan, and India, and often planted near homes or temples for protection. As well, camphor wood is often burned in purification rituals.
  • Basil. Basil is considered sacred across many cultures and belief systems. It’s often used in herbal magic and ritual work for cleansing, protection, and banishing negative energy.
  • Buddha Wood. True to its name, Buddha wood essential oil is connected to meditation, spirituality, and shamanism.
  • Rosemary. Rosemary is another herb associated with purification and aura cleansing. Like sage, rosemary is often burned as part of a purifying ritual, or used to make smudge sticks.
  • Frankincense and Myrrh. Frankincense and myrrh are considered sacred across many religious and spiritual belief systems, having been used in ceremonial and ritual incense for thousands of years.
  • Cedar. Cedar is another sacred herb revered for its spiritual cleansing properties. But rather than burning it, you can incorporate cedarwood essential oil into your cleansing spray.
  • Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus oil is potently cleansing to the sinuses, making it wonderful not only for congestion shower melts, but also for spiritual purification and protection.
Spiritual essential oils for aura cleansing spray – sage, ho wood, and bay laurel leaf.
Spiritual essential oils for aura spray: ho wood, sage, and bay (laurel leaf).

My favourite essential oil blend for cleansing is sage, ho wood and bay leaf – not only for their spiritual properties, but also for their calming, meditative fragrance.

But you can also use any combination of essential oils you desire, either from the list above, or your own blend. Any essential oil can be used as part of an energy cleansing ritual, as long as it holds sacred meaning for you.

Best essential oils for aura cleansing spray

One thing to keep in mind is how a product’s manufacturing processes contributes to its overall energy and vibration.

Please check into your preferred essential oil brand to ensure your oils are sourced ethically and without cruelty. Some companies put profit over ethics, and like many industries, the essential oil industry is corrupted by atrocities we’d prefer not to think about.

That’s one reason why I love Simply Earth – they’re a family-run company that specifically sources their essential oils from small, ethical farms around the world.

They GC/MS test each batch for purity, and they also give back to an important and often overlooked cause, donating 13% of all profits to #EndIt.

They also have a fun monthly Essential Oil Recipe Box, and serendipitously, this month’s box included sage essential oil.

Each box also has a theme – last month was Energy Guards, and included essential oils to help protect your energy and uplift your mood, including ho wood.

If you’d like to learn more, check out the current month’s full box contents or read our full Simply Earth review.

Each ethical oil is also available individually, but if you’d like try the box, you can use our coupon code “ALIFEADJACENTFREE” for a free Bonus Box and $40 gift card.

How to make aura spray

Sage Spray Recipe

4oz / 120ml distilled water, sun water or alcohol (vodka or Everclear)
40 drops sage essential oil
80 drops / 3g caprylyl/capryl glucoside (omit for Everclear)
0.7g Geogard ECT natural preservative (omit for alcohol)

Aura Cleansing Spray Recipe

~4oz / 120ml vodka or Everclear
80 drops / 3g caprylyl/capryl glucoside (optional, see notes)
15 drops sage essential oil
8 drops ho wood essential oil
7 drops bay leaf essential oil

Sun Water Spiritual Spray Recipe

~3oz / 90ml sun water or distilled water
1oz / 30ml vodka or Everclear
80 drops / 3g caprylyl/capryl glucoside (optional, see notes)
15 drops sage essential oil
8 drops ho wood essential oil
7 drops bay leaf essential oil
0.7g Geogard ECT natural preservative


4oz spray bottle, preferably dark glass
Funnel to avoid spills


  1. Before making your aura cleansing spray, please sanitize all tools and containers using alcohol or the method of your choice. If desired, you can also infuse your liquid with your intentions, either by sitting in meditation, with crystals, or with your preferred method. You can also take it further by making sun water, or by leaving your sage spray to charge under full sunlight.
  2. To begin, combine your sage essential oil (or cleansing essential oil blend) and natural solubilizer (caprylyl/capryl glucoside) either in your aura spray bottle or a separate container.

    How to make spiritual cleansing spray – pouring sun water into aura spray bottle.
  3. Next, add Geogard ECT. (Skip the preservative if you’re using alcohol as your base.) Swirl or shake again to combine.
  4. Fill the rest of the spray bottle to the top with your sun water, distilled water, sage water, vodka, or Everclear.

    How to make smudge spray recipe – pouring sage essential oil into spray bottle.
  5. Replace the spray nozzle and shake gently to fully solubilize the essential oils. Your aura cleansing spray is finished.
Aura spray for spiritual cleansing and protection

Cleansing spray tips and tricks

  • To make an easy sage spray, combine 4oz Everclear with 40 drops sage essential oil. This simple recipe requires no solubilizer or preservative.
  • To protect the fragile essential oils from light, please store your DIY aura cleansing spray in a dark glass bottle. The pretty gold nozzle spray bottles were for photos only, but the company also sells amber glass.
  • Store your aura spray in a cool, dark place away from light, especially if using a clear spray bottle.
  • I find that a 2:1 ratio of solubilizer to essential oils is enough to disperse the oils. Your sage spray may be a little cloudy, but you won’t notice if you’re storing it in a dark glass bottle. If this bothers you, you may wish to add more solubilizer until the liquid turns clear.
  • As previously mentioned, you can choose to make your cleansing spray using only vodka, Everclear, or an equal mixture of the two. If your finished spray contains at least 40% alcohol, you can skip the preservative.
Sage spray for cleansing and smudging
Yield: 4oz

DIY Aura Cleansing Spray

Active Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Learn how to make aura cleansing spray for negative energy and spiritual protection. This DIY sage spray recipe is a smokeless, more respectful alternative to smudging white sage or Palo Santo.


Sage Spray Recipe

Aura Cleansing Spray Recipe

Sun Water Spiritual Spray Recipe

  • ~3oz / 90ml sun water or distilled water

  • 1oz / 30ml vodka or Everclear

  • 80 drops / 3g caprylyl/capryl glucoside (optional, see notes)

  • 15 drops sage essential oil

  • 8 drops ho wood essential oil

  • 7 drops bay leaf essential oil

  • 0.7g Geogard ECT natural preservative


  • 4oz spray bottle, preferably dark glass
Funnel to avoid spills


    1. Before making your aura cleansing spray, please sanitize all tools and containers using alcohol or the method of your choice. If desired, you can also infuse your liquid with your intentions, either by sitting in meditation, with crystals, or with your preferred method. You can also take it further by making sun water – simply charge your water under full sunlight.
    2. To begin, combine your sage essential oil (or cleansing essential oil blend) and natural solubilizer (caprylyl/capryl glucoside) in your aura spray bottle. Shake or swirl to combine.
    3. Next, add Geogard ECT. (Skip the preservative if you're using alcohol as your base.) Swirl or shake again to combine.
    4. Fill the rest of the spray bottle to the top with your sun water, distilled water, sage water, vodka, or Everclear.
    5. Replace the spray nozzle and shake gently to fully solubilize the essential oils. Your energy cleansing spray is finished.


  • To make an easy sage spray, combine 4oz Everclear with 40 drops sage essential oil. This simple recipe requires no solubilizer or preservative.
  • To protect the fragile essential oils from light, please store your DIY aura cleansing spray in a dark glass bottle. The pretty gold nozzle spray bottles were for photos only, but the company also sells amber glass.
  • Store your aura spray in a cool, dark place away from light, especially if using a clear spray bottle.
  • I find that a 2:1 ratio of solubilizer to essential oils is enough to disperse the oils. Your sage spray may be a little cloudy, but you won't notice if you're storing it in a dark glass bottle. If this bothers you, you may wish to add more solubilizer until the liquid turns clear.
  • As previously mentioned, you can choose to make your cleansing spray using only vodka, Everclear, or an equal mixture of the two.
  • If your finished spray contains at least 40% alcohol, you can skip the preservative.

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More essential oil recipes

If you enjoyed this cleansing spray recipe, you might also be interested in these other essential oil DIYs for a non-toxic home:

For more ways to use Everclear, see also:

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Monday 22nd of May 2023

Thank you for this! My question is, would this work with any 40 drops of essential oil? *I like to smudge with mugwort and rosemary as that is what resonates with my Celtic heritage. I don’t like the smoke around my dogs Thank you 🙏


Tuesday 23rd of May 2023

Hi Marta, absolutely! You can make the cleansing spray with any essential oils that are meaningful to you. Rosemary and mugwort sounds like a lovely combination. 😊

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