Baseball Snack Ideas for the Team


If you’re in charge of bringing baseball snacks, get inspired with this incredible list of ideas that are healthy, salty, sweet, and more. So many perfect ideas to bring for the team!

baseball snacks

Baseball season is one of my favorite times of year.

Spring has arrived, the days are longer, and we get to be out at the ball field with friends more nights than not.

I love the feeling of being together with other families, cheering for each others’ kids, rooting for the team, and basking in a nostalgia for a moment that’s happening in real time.

And while the kids love the game part, what they really love is looking forward to is what’s inside the bags of snacks that they get after they play.

Psst — before you dive into the baseball snack ideas, be sure to sign up below for my VIP group. I send these folks my very best family ideas, parenting hacks, and lots more.

What Are Baseball Snacks?

If you’re not familiar with the concept (which I’m aware might be something that’s either regional or very American), baseball snacks around here are a somewhat simple and silly but time-honored tradition.

After a little league baseball game, a snack is often handed around to each kid on the team.

When I was growing up, it might have been a few orange slices or a granola bar.

Now, of course, it’s ballooned into a baggie of snacks and treats partially meant to stave off hunger from working hard at the game and partially just because it’s fun to get a bag of treats.

The baseball teams that we’ve played on usually organize a calendar where a different parent or guardian offers to provide the snacks for each game, so theoretically each family only has to bring baseball snacks once.

baseball snacks

How to Transport Snacks

I have to say, the baseball snacks that we’ve experienced other parents bringing has run the gamut.

Many opt for a simple brown bag with a few items in it. Others get really extra and put them in a sports-themed drawstring backpack.

Once (and most prominent in my kids’ memory), a parent brought a box of a dozen donuts decorated like baseballs and each kid just grabbed one from the box.

But the most common baseball snack bags I’ve seen are:

Salty Baseball Snack Ideas

When I provide a baseball snack for the team, I like to include something sweet, something salty, and a drink.

I find that it’s a good mix to keep my kids going until bedtime and replenish some of the energy they expended playing ball.

Some of the salty baseball snack options they love:

baseball snacks

Healthy Baseball Snack Ideas

While I’m all for a box of donuts, it’s also key to have something healthy or nutritious in the mix. Consider adding one of these healthy baseball team snack options!

Sweet Baseball Snack Ideas

A sweet treat in a baseball snack bag can mean lots of things! Let this list inspire you to choose something you think the team would love.

baseball snacks

Baseball Team Drink Ideas

It’s nice to include a drink in a snack bag after a baseball game, especially if you find that kids tend to ignore drinking water while they’re playing.

Some great choices include:

Baseball Snacks that Need a Cooler

Every once in a while we’ll see a parent or guardian roll up to the game with a cooler, and you usually know that means there’s an interesting snack happening! If you include any of the following snacks, you should probably bring them in a cooler.

baseball snacks

Non-Food Baseball Treats

Often, my kids ask if we can include something that’s not food in the baseball snack bags as a special surprise for their teammates. Here are a few ideas! These are also great if you’re throwing a baseball-themed birthday party.

Hope these ideas help while you’re putting together team baseball snacks for the big game! xoxo

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