About Cindy Hopper

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  1. Love them. I made some tags for me and my daughter. She is using to give to her Faith Formation teachers. She is the Director. Thank you so much. You are so creative.

  2. Ansa, what could you say other than “co-worker”? Can you think of something clever?

  3. Hola buenas noches:
    Aquí en casa estamos haciendo máscaras para nuestras familia y amigos. Un saludo

    Eugenia Prada

  4. These are simply awesome. We were trying to find a way to gift the masks we were making for our community, without just handing them out to people, and you have, once again, nailed the answer we needed. You’re an amazing influence for both myself and my family. Keep up the good work, and we’ll follow along in this journey together. Thanks so much for all you do for everyone.

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