Kids Craft: No-Sew Heart Pillow

Warm up a special someone with a soft and squishy heart shaped pillow. Knotted with love!

no sew knotted heart pillow -

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The perfect kids craft project because there is no sewing required. Some simple cutting and knotting are all the skills needed to make this DIY heart pillow. 

Kids and teens can make their own special pillow to decorate their room, or give to a friend or loved one as a gift.

Knotted Love Cushion -

Polar fleece fabric is ideal for this project because it doesn’t fray and is warm and soft. Have fun mixing and matching favourite colours.

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DIY Knotting Together a Love Heart Pillow

DIY heart pillow no-sew cushion

You will need:

  • 40cm (16″) polar fleece knit fabric, 125cm (50″) width (or similar)
  • Dressmakers pins
  • Scissors: paper, fabric
  • Hobby fill or stuffing of choice
  • Haemostat or chop stick
  • Printer, Paper (A3 or A4), and tape


Fabric options – For softness I recommend using a polar fleece knit fabric. Felt can also be substituted but may result in a slightly stiffer pillow.

Excess fabric – You can use your fabric off cuts to stuff the heart, along with the hobby fill.

How to:

1. Print the template at 100% onto A3 paper or alternatively, print the template at 100% onto two sheets of A4 paper. Tape the pattern halves together.

no-sew heart pillow - print template-

2. With paper scissors, cut out the template pattern, along the two unbroken lines. Put these two paper patterns aside.

cut template - Knotted Love Cushion -

Knotted Love Cushion -

3. Fold the fabric in half and cut on the fold line. You should have 2 pieces measuring around 40cmx60cm (16″x 24″). one piece will be the front, one piece will be the back.

no-sew heart pillow - cut fabric - Knotted Love Cushion -

4. Fold each fabric piece in half, making sure to fold with the right sides together. Do the following steps (5&6) for both the front and the back pieces of fabric.

no-sew heart pillow - fold fabric - Knotted Love Cushion -

5. Pin the exterior heart pattern piece over the folded fabric, lining up the centre with the folded fabric line. Cut along the exterior outline of the paper heart.

no-sew heart pillow - pin template - Knotted Love Cushion -

6. Place the interior paper heart piece in the gap of the exterior heart piece, and pin it onto the fabric. Then remove the exterior paper heart piece.

Knotted Love Cushion -

7. Now, stack both the front and back pieces on top of each other. Cut 1.5cm strips into all the fabric layers around the paper heart like a fringe.

no-sew heart pillow - cut fringe - Knotted Love Cushion -

8. Remove the paper pattern. Open out the two fabric heart pieces, and layer them with the wrong sides together. Then pin the front and back pieces together.

Knotted Love Cushion -
9. Gently knot together each matching strip (front and back), joining the two fabric pieces together. Stop knotting the strips when all that’s left is a 5cm (2″) gap opening.

step no-sew heart pillow - knot fringe- Knotted Love Cushion -
10. Stuff the pillow with hobby fill. Use a chop stick or haemostat to insert the filling and push it into the far side of the pillow.

stuff cushion - Knotted Love Cushion -
11. Close the 5cm gap by knotting the last remaining strip pieces.

Knotted Love Cushion -

Finished no-sew heart pillow -

All done! Now give your cuddly heart pillow a great big hug.

Knotted Love Cushion -

No-sew heart pillow - Knotted Love Cushion -


no sew heart pillow pin

Melissa is a hyper creative artist, and content creator.
To see more of Melissa’s work, follow these links –

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