Printable Summer Schedule for Kids – Plus Routine Ideas!


Download and print our summer schedule for kids to keep your house running smoothly, your kiddos happy, and your sanity intact! Plus, try our ideas for summer routines to fill your days.

summer checklist
summer checklist

Summer is in full swing, and we love it! Well, we love it when we’re prepared.

Last summer I made the error of not mentally or logistically prepping myself or my kiddos for summer, and I’ll admit — we had a bumpy start.

They were “bored,” I was in over my head trying to keep my business running and the kids occupied, and we had all forgotten how to summer.

But I figured it out before long, and printed out a single sheet of paper that was a complete game changer for our days!

Psst — before you dive in, be sure to sign up below for my VIP group where I’ll send more of my very best ideas straight to you!

summer schedule for kids

Why do you need a Summer Schedule for your kids?

I’m going to be blunt. You need a summer schedule so none of you want to tear your hair out with boredom, frustration, or juggling too many things (that one is you).

You also need it because if your kids are anything like mine, during the summer they ask for screen time at every opportunity, and will skip most other activities to get it (including the basics like, oh, brushing their teeth).

So! The guideline that we’ve agreed on in our house is that once the kids work through their summer schedule or checklist for the day, they’ve unlocked screen time and can chill out with a tv episode or some video games.

Having this checklist has eliminated so many disagreements and so much frustration.

It helps our house stay tidier, the kids stay on track with their responsibilities, and gives some structure to our day. It’s a win for all of us.

summer schedule for kids

Routines Vs. Schedules

I suppose if I’m being specific, this is more a routine or a checklist than a schedule.

But, like any schedule, it does help keep our days organized and give a general framework of the things we’d like to accomplish.

So for our purposes, you might prefer to call this a routine, as there is no set timeline to attach to it. Unless, of course, you want to make it that way!

summer checklist

How we use our summer Schedule Checklist

It honestly couldn’t be simpler!

Once I introduced the idea to my kids, I made sure that they understood that to earn screen time during summer weekdays they had to ensure that their checklists were complete.

On summer weekends, we have lazier days and don’t adhere to the checklists.

The summer schedule is posted on the wall with a dry erase pen nearby. You could also just magnet it to your fridge.

I’ve laminated it (see my at-home lamination recommendation below!), so once the kids complete a task they check it off.

After they fill their checklist, they enjoy a little screen time and go about the rest of their day.

At the end of the day, we use a Magic Eraser to clean the reusable checklist and start again the next day.

summer schedule for kids

Whats On Our List?

I have a few categories of things on our list.

First, we have basic self-care and maintenance. Things like brushing teeth, getting dressed, and so on.

Up next, we have household chores. Doing the dishes, feeding the pets, making the bed, cleaning up the yard.

Then we have things like reading time, doing a little math or writing (our kids will tackle a sudoku puzzle or write a letter to a friend), and practicing their instruments.

And finally, we have outside time and free play. Free play for us means independent play time where mom isn’t entertaining them: they can choose any analog activity that sounds fun that day.

Note: Our list for Maggie still includes “Potty,” at her request. The printable version doesn’t have this on the list!

summer schedule for kids

My favorite Supplies for this Printable

Printable Summer Schedule For Kids. Download the schedule below, and print at home!

Laminating Sheets. These are so easy to use and have been really durable.

Dry Erase Pens. I like fine tip markers here but any tip will work.

Magic Erasers. You don’t necessarily need these to clean the laminated sheets, but it makes it easier. A damp cloth will remove the dry erase pen with a little elbow grease.

summer checklist

Download the Printable Summer Schedule for Kids

You can download the printable by entering your information below and I’ll send it right to you!

A couple of notes.

There’s a blank spot above each checklist to write your child’s name. I recommend doing this before the lamination step of the instructions.

Each printable has two checklists on it. If you’re making checklists for two kiddos you’re all set! If you only need one, it’s been designed so that you can easily cut it in half. Alternatively, print out multiple sheets if you are making lists for more than two children.

summer schedule for kids

How to Make Your Summer Schedule checklist

  1. Start by downloading and printing your summer schedule for kids. Write your child’s name on the blank line.
  2. If you are using the list for one child, cut the checklist to eliminate one side of it. If you have more than two children, you can print out multiple sheets.
  3. Take the backing off of one of the laminating sheets and place the sheet on the table, sticky side up. Place the printed schedule onto the center of the sheet, smoothing it down.
  4. Take the backing off of a second laminating sheet, and carefully place it sticky side down over the top of your schedule, sandwiching the printed sheet between the two clear laminating sheets.
  5. Smooth out the laminated schedule and trim the edges as needed.
summer checklist

That’s it! I hope this simple schedule for kids helps bring some ease and fun to your summer days! xoxo

summer schedule for kids

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