Hello paper crafters! I’m here today to share my Christmas Cash Holder that I made last night on YouTube. This Christmas Cash Holder is a fun and festive way to…
videos – gift card holders
Hello paper crafters! I’m here today to share that I’m going live tonight at 7pm central time . I’ll be live on YouTube and Facebook and you can choose which platform you prefer.If…
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Hello paper crafters! I’m here today to share my Stackable Gift Boxes & Gift Card.Let’s start with the Stackable Gift Boxes, I made them during my live video Monday night.…
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Hello paper crafters! I’m here today to share how to make a gift card holder with the Christmas Friends Stamp Set and Christmas Friends Dies. The first one we made…
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Hello paper crafters! I’m here today to share my Decorative Trees Book Box and Card. I made both of these during my live video last night and I used the…
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Chic n Scratch…
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Chic n Scratch…
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Chic n Scratch…
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Chic n Scratch…
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Chic n Scratch…